Bright Brains

About Us

Welcome to BrightBrainsTM - your Software Skills Testing and Assessment Partner!

BrightBrainsTM - Tests have a direct & measurable utilty, impact and tangible benefits for:

- the Student Community in Computing Streams who seek to make a career in the Software Industry

- the Human Resources Heads/Managers in the Software Industry who need to scientifically filer candidates in their Hiring Process & also employ this product as a tool to scientifically & in an unbiased manner carry out Appraisals of any Software Professional limted to 0-4 years experience band.

BrightBrainsTM are a company which focuses on the creation and propagation of Technical Assessment Tests for various disciplines. Presently this BrightBrains site addresses the assessment of Software professionals - Freshers and experienced people alike - to measure their skills in listed Software Technologies/languages and also Companies who wish to test their Current Staff/External Resources for such assessments.

BrightBrainsTM Management & Management & Research Team comprises Professionals with a combined experience base of over 60 years in the field of Information Technology / Software / Training / Management and HR Functions who have translated their rich knowledge and experience base in the ideation, planning & creation of BrightBrains as a practical Value Add advantage for people and companies.

BrightBrainsTM offers a battery of tests crafted Industry Experts from a 'Real Life' perspective of what the Industry demands, and thus helps bride the Academia-to-Industry gap efficiently & delivers value outcomes for the users.

BrightBrainsTM Tests are for for specific audiences & target markets.

Fresh Graduates: As you arrive into the job market and apply to companies, a BrightBrainsTM Tested Professional tag will allow for a definite edge & highlighting of your profile when viewed by HR's of hiring companies.

Professionals: Once already in the employment situation and wishing to go up the origination ladder or switch your job, both the internal HR or the HR of the next company seeking to hire is likely to focus on your profile as being a BrightBrainsTM Tested Professional!

Companies: Companies seeking to weed out the best, can use the BrightBrainsTM tests for candidates to filer applicants or use them internally for their employees during appraisals to check out their level of competence and use the same results to redeploy or cross train or promote within the same skills or new projects within the company/client base.

In summary, these BrightBrainsTM tests are a tool that can be used in many creative ways for advancement/ betterment of both individuals and companies!

BrightBrainsTM tests designed to run on standard Desktops & Laptops under Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari. Version for iPAD's, Tablets, Mobile handsets coming soon. The product is not designed nor meant to work on Mobile Handsets.

Thank you for visiting BrightBrainsTM. Please Register now and walk the path of success!

List of BrightBrainsTM Tests that you can choose from